
Was it my own fault?

One of the warst things, when life sucks, is the feeling, that it was my own fault. Well, sometimes it is true, but not always.
But no matter what, the feeling of guilt makes the burden more heavy, no one can deny that. You have all the troubles in your life, and then you even have the trouble of feeling guilty. It can be a really burden for the heart and make the problems harder to fight.
Well, even if it's true, it is your own fault, what's done is done, you can't call it back. Stop blaming yourself anyway, it will not solve the problem. You must face the thing now and fight it. If it is someone you have hurted, try to get things straight with that person. If the person won't forgive, it's not your problem, unforgiveness only hits the one, that won't forgive.
Make up for what you've done to the person, if it's possible.
And when you've done that, forget all about it and get along with your life.